There will be times when you can transport your vehicle from one place to another by simply driving it there. Still, on other occasions, it may well be more worthwhile to have it transported by an official company. If you are planning on this route, it is certainly going to be worthwhile ensuring that it is properly prepared. There are ways that you can get your vehicle ready, so let’s examine just a few of these right here and now.
1. Choose the Right Auto Transport Company
First up on the list, it will certainly be worth putting in the time and effort to ensure that you have an auto company that can do the job with minimum fuss. You can browse a platform such as Shiply, as this will have plenty of potential people to take care of vehicle shipping for you. It is also worth looking into their credentials and any online reviews to ensure that there are satisfied customers who can testify in their favor.
2. Clean Your Car
It will certainly be worth giving your car a thorough cleaning. This way, you know that it is looking at its very best, which saves you a job once you reach the other side. You also have the best opportunity to spot any dents and scratches that you may not have noticed otherwise. This way, you will know if there is any damage that arises in transit. You will know about it rather than speculate whether that scratch was already present.
3. Take Photos of the Car
Following giving your car a thorough cleaning, you should take detailed and close up photos of your car before it is transported, so if any damage does occur, then you have proof of that. Just remember to ensure your photos are timestamped with a date before they are transported, or the insurance might not take the pictures into account.
4. Clear Out the Interior
Ideally, you don’t want to bring anything else inside the car. This way, it isn’t going to get flung around during transport, as there is always the risk that additional damage can spring up as a direct result of this. Ultimately, this may also be a task that you have been putting off, and one that needs to be done. Take the opportunity to go through the car with a vacuum cleaner and a cloth. This will help to save you a job when you reach your final destination and also give you the assurance that your car was in the very best state before you had it shipped.
5. Make Sure to Disable the Alarm
While this may seem minor, you don’t want the alarm blaring halfway through transit. Not only could this be annoying for the driver, but it could end up causing unnecessary delays if they struggle to turn it off again.
6. No Need to Fill Up
When you have a car that is full of gas, this means that it is going to be heavier. While some people like the security of knowing that they have a full tank of petrol before they send it from one place to another, there is no real need for it. Anything that you can do to make the job of the vehicle transportation company that little bit easier is always going to be worthwhile, and lightening their load will do just that.
7. Check Around for Signs of Damage
You may well have been doing this at other points during the already-discussed process. Still, it will certainly be worth inspecting your car at this stage to check if there isn’t any damage you’ve missed. If you know all about cars, you will be much more adept at spotting any issues. However, if you know someone who knows what to look out for, it may well be worth calling them at this stage.
This is a good chance to check for any leaks or any bits of maintenance work that you can complete before moving day, as you want the car to be in as good a condition as possible. You could also consider taking it to a mechanic for a quick professional once over. This way, you know that any additional damage is a result of transit and not something that had already happened to the vehicle beforehand.
8. Check the Tire Pressure
Even though you will not be actually transporting the car yourself, it will certainly be worth checking the tire pressure. If the car gets transported with tires that are even slightly flat, this increases the risk of damage as you go along. Often, this is most likely to occur during the loading and unloading process. Whatever the case, this is a simple check to do and an easy fix to put right again, so it is more than worth taking the time and effort over. It will save you from having to pump up the tires when you reach your destination so that you can drive it straight away.
9. Remove Any Additional Accessories
If you have anything additional in and around the car, like a roof rack, arial, or other items that will make it harder to transport, it is worth taking them off at this stage. Ultimately, this can prove to be highly useful and will help ensure that they will not get broken along the way.
10. Lock the Vehicle
Once everything else has been done, you can add the final touch of locking up the car. Essentially, this is a final security measure worth taking as it helps prevent it from getting stolen along the way. While this is an unlikely outcome, it will still be worth giving yourself this much-needed peace of mind.
These are just a few of the main ways you have available to ensure your vehicle is properly prepared and ready for transport as needed. Ultimately, taking these relatively easy steps can help ensure that you have a vehicle that will arrive at its final destination in the best possible state, as you left it before travel.